Don't head in to a mental burnout, fight it with Rhodiola (Havnlife Rhodiola Relief)

Don't head in to a mental burnout, fight it with Rhodiola (Havnlife Rhodiola Relief)

Life lately has been full of ups and downs. I am heading into Perimenupause and toss in the stress of this current world lets say I am mentally exhausted most days to the point I don't sleep very well and my mood is kind of crappy cause of it.

I've recently have an extremely stressful week and have added Havnlife's Rhodiola Relief to my daily supplements. I take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Rhodiola is a flowering plant that increases energy and stamina and can help relieve some of the effects stress has. It can help balance brain chemicals like melatonin and serotonin. In the end this helps with better sleep and a better mood.

This was my first time using Rhodiola and I have to say I have been sleeping a little better. I don't feel as mentally exhausted as I was and for me mental exhaustion leads to me over thinking and even more mental exhaustion.

It did take me about a week to feel a change but it really has helped. I was on track to a full burnout and this slowed me down mentally enough to regroup.

I have a ton going on in life at the moment and I know that there is a few potential mental burnouts heading my way but having Havnlife Rhodiola Relief ready I can fight these burnouts head on.

Tammy Catania, Mississauga, Canada

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